If you’re ready - this book will shake your brain and make your soul scream. I am so ready for myself after reading this book! It’s as if I just flew into my body for the very first time. Whew! Anyone who has any kind of capacity to truly let go and give into yourself with any kind of desire to hold on for dear life - Do it. Read it. Live it. Practice it. We are a lot! But we are meant to be a lot! .. “A good life is a hard life!” Read this book and have a highlighter on hand to make notes because you’ll want to refer back to it trust me! I never knew that I am solely responsible for my own joy, happiness and freedom!! Who knew our own liberation liberates those around us? Cause I didn’t!! I thought we were meant to be stressed and disheveled, confused and selfless like a Disney character! ProBloodyFound!! You’re an absolute don Glennon ♥️

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大約一個月之前我在IG看到這則貼文,Adele推薦這本書Untamed,她形容這是一本「 this book will shake your brain and make your soul scream.  」的書,桃園的圖書館居然有這本書,二話不說立馬衝一波!!!






Untamed (←點我連結博客來)


  • 作者: Doyle, Glennon
  • 原文出版社:Dial Press
  • 出版日期:2020/03/10
  • 語言:英文


(Glennon Doyle 右一,中間為妻子Abby Wambach)


格倫農·道爾(Glennon Doyle)是《奧普拉》圖書俱樂部評選的《紐約時報》暢銷書《愛情戰士》的作者,也是《紐約時報》暢銷書《Love Warrior》的作者。 她是激進主義者,演講者和思想領袖,還是全民領導的非營利組織Together Rising的創始人和總裁,該組織徹底改變了基層慈善事業,為處於危機中的婦女,家庭和兒童籌集了超過2000萬英鎊。格倫農被任命為OWN Network的SuperSoul 100成立團體之一,是使用自己的聲音和才能提升人性的100位“覺醒的領導人”之一。她與妻子和三個孩子住在佛羅里達。



整個故事從Cheetah Run開始,有一天作者帶著孩子到動物園,看到訓練員告訴大家,他們讓獵豹Tabitha從小跟拉布拉多一起長大,慢慢的她就學著拉布拉多的一舉一動,她看到拉布拉多會去追訓練員丟出去的小玩偶,慢慢的她也學著去追。但此時獵豹她心中想著 “Somehing's off aboutt my life. I feel restless and frusrated. I have this hunch that everything was supposed to be more beauiful than this. I imagine fenceless, wide-open savannas. I want to run and hunt and kill. I want to sleep under an ink-black, silent sky filled with stars. It's all so real I can taste it.” 但最後她還是轉身回到了牢籠裡,那她從出生開始唯一認識的"家"。


“Tabitha. You are not crazy. You are a goddamn cheetah.”


在第一章牢籠(caged)裡面,作者用自己的故事告訴你,大多數的女性從小就被生活中各種聲音制約,從小就被灌輸一個好女孩應該要這樣要那樣,就像是Tabitha追逐的那隻玩具一樣。這當中有一段描述十分觸動我,她提到有一天她兒子帶一群朋友回家看電影,這時她問這群小朋友 "你們餓嗎?" ,這是男孩們都不假思索直接回答 "餓",女孩們則是先彼此交換了眼色(“They are gathering consensus, permission, or denial.” ),最後回答 "我們不餓"。

“The boys looked inside themselves. The girls looked outside themselves. We forgot how to know when we learned how to please. This is why we live hungry.”


曾經我心底好多聲音,但是當你總是選擇忽略自己的聲音,並習慣的盲目跟從大家的腳步,有一天當你停下來才發現,你已經忘記了怎麼去獨立思考。就像她說的 We forgot how to know when we learned how to please.



“When I was a child, I felt what I needed to feel and I followed my gut and planned only from my imagination.

I was wild until I was tamed by shame.

Until I started hiding and numbing my feelings for fear of being too much. Until I started deferring to others' advice instead of trusting my own intuition. Until I became conviced that my imagination was ridiculos and my desires were selfish. Until I surrendered myself to the cages of others' expectations, cultural mandataes, and institutional allegiances. Until I buried who I was in order to become what I should be. I lost myself when I learned how to please.

我喜歡她這樣形容 I was wild until I was tamed by shame.就像是在伊甸園中夏娃吃下了那顆智慧之果,然後就懂得了羞恥,也因此我們從此羞恥於自己的天性,埋藏我們內心天生的野性。


在這個章節她提出了找回自己的四個步驟:Feel, Know, Imagine, Let It Burn.


第一步:Feel It All


“It's okay to feel all of the stuff you're feeling. You're just becoming human again. You're not doing life wrong;you're doing it right. If there's any secret you're missing, it's that doing it right is just really hard. Feeling all your feelings is hard, but that's whatt they're for. Feelings are for feeling. All of them. Even the hard ones. The secret is that you're doing it right, and that doing it right hurts sometimes.”





她曾以為傷痛就代表軟弱而且我們就該吞下去(suck it up)。


I can feel everything and survive.

I can use pain to become.


第二步:Be Still and Know

幾年前的一個夜晚,作者苦惱失眠的在google search打下這個問題「如果我丈夫出軌但又是個好爸爸我該怎麼辦?」

她看著這個問題然後想著:為什麼我把人生中最重要/最私密的問題丟給了網路來解答?為什麼我相信這世上其他的人勝過相信自己?WHERE THE HELL IS MY SELF?我到底是怎麼了遺忘我自己?但是她最後還是看了一篇又一篇的文章,最後才發現同一個問題你問每個人都有不同的答案。基督徒會告訴你該繼續走下去,而女性主義者會告訴你該離開。“When a woman finally learns that pleasing the world is impossible, she becomes free to learn how to please herself.”




“I have learned that if I want to rise, I have to sink first. I have to search for and depend upon the voice of inner wisdom instead of voices of outer approval. This saves me from living someone else's life.”


第三步:Dare to Imagine


這時她全身上下都在呼喊著:No. Not you.

但是心底有個聲音說著:Yes. Me.


這時全身上下包含她的工作都在呼喊著:No. Not her.

但是她心底有個聲音說著:Yes. Me. 

“The facts were right there in front of me to see.

But the truth was right there inside of me to feel.

Swelling, pressing, insisting: There is a life meant for you that is truer than the one you're living. But in order to have it, you will have to forge it yourself. You will have to create on ther outside what you are imagining on the inside. Only you can bring it forth. And it will cost you everything.”



第四步:Let It Burn




“Destruction is essential to construction.” (有種fight club的既視感)

也許不改變會讓我們感覺比較安全,我們告訴自己,原本的世界也許not true enough,但是它good enough。

但是good enough的生活就夠了嗎?

“The building of the true and beautiful means the destruction of the good enough.”







我想起之前聽過一句話「人類的記憶跟想像力是上天的恩賜」,人生只有一次,這一次我不再choose not to choose,I choose something else.









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