Gone Girl
上映日期: 2014-10-09
片 長: 2時29分
導 演: 大衛芬奇(David Fincher)
演 員: 班艾佛列克(Ben Affleck)、蘿莎蒙派克(Rosamund Pike)
發行公司: 福斯
原文書資訊: 請點此
★改編自全球暢銷同名懸疑小說《控制》 原著暢銷作者吉莉安弗琳擔綱編劇
一個披著懸疑小說外衣的愛情故事,揭穿現代婚姻中種種深藏人心而不為人知的秘密 。故事描述一對夫妻在他們結婚五周年紀念日當天,丈夫尼克(班艾佛列克飾)發現他美麗的老婆愛咪(蘿莎蒙派克飾)從家裡無故失蹤。為協尋出愛咪的下落,親友及眾人展開了深入搜索,但漸漸發現一些 不尋常的線索,在警方和媒體日漸高漲的壓力下,尼克漸因一連串的謊言、騙局以及展露出 的奇怪行徑,開始令眾人起了疑心,讓案情變得撲朔迷離,越來越不單純,究竟愛咪的失蹤 是尼克所為?還是幕後真兇另有其人?
《 控制 》( Gone Girl )是一部於2014年上映的美國驚悚 懸疑片 ,改編自美國女作家 吉莉安·弗琳 所著的2012年同名小說, 2014年9月26日在第52屆 紐約影展 上作為開幕片首映。
我是從《鬥陣俱樂部》 (1999) 開始認識到大衛芬奇,《班傑明的奇幻旅程》 (2008) 一直到《控制》 (2014),這幾部電影都讓人不得不認同大衛芬奇是一個很會用影像說故事的人。
其實我覺得一部片的成功與否,重點並不一定在於IMDb的評分( 雖然這部片的分數也很高 ),也不在拿了多少獎項( 雖然這部片也拿很多獎 ),更重要的指標其實是有多少評論產生,這點更能體現出有多少人對這部片產生共鳴 !! 從2014年上映至今,在國內的PTT上產生了200條左右的評論,YAHOO電影上有132條評論,IMDB上有1041條評論,對岸的豆瓣有短評87427條,影評有1198條, 這是個很驚人的數字。
Nick Dunne: When I think of my wife, I always think of the back of her head. I picture cracking her lovely skull, unspooling her brain, trying to get answers. The primal questions of a marriage: What are you thinking? How are you feeling? What have we done to each other? What will we do?
故事的開始男主角Nick來到與雙胞胎妹妹Margo(是的你沒看錯,這兩個演是雙胞胎阿!!)合開的店The Bar,Margo一直也不喜歡Amy,Nick抱怨著今天是煩人的五週年-木婚結婚紀念日,他那控制狂老婆又要玩例行的尋寶遊戲還要準備木頭相關的紀念日禮物。
Margo Dunne: [discussing what kind of wood item Nick is going to give to Amy for their 5th wedding anniversary, the "wood" anniversary] So what are you going to give her?
Nick Dunne: I don't know, there's nothing good for wood.
Margo Dunne: I know what you can do. You go home and fuck her brains out. Then you take your penis and smack her in the face with it, and you say, "There's some wood, bitch!"
Margo Dunne : Everyone knows that 'complicated' is a code word for bitch.
Margo Dunne : Whoever took her is bound to bring her back.
Nick Dunne: You know, we have a pretty serious homeless problem in our neighborhood. You maybe could should check that out.
Officer Jim Gilpin: We'll look into that.
Nick Dunne : All I'm trying to do is being nice to the people who are volunteering to help find Amy.
兩人相識於一個派對,在派對上Amy就是個美麗又聰明的Cool girl,又因為兩人相似的工作背景,火花馬上就點燃了。但Amy的臉上偶爾總是閃現某種疏離感。
在一個深夜的小巷中,麵包店的貨車下貨漫起了漫天的sugar storm,Nick伸出兩指抹去Amy唇上的糖粉,深情的一吻,那是他們的初吻。那獨特的手勢也成為屬於他們兩人,愛的印記。
熱戀中的兩人,一同出席Amy父母的Amazing Amy活動,從小就被當成活招牌的Amy當然又被推出去面對來訪的媒體,Nick知道Amy心中其實百般不願意,當Amy快要被媒體尖酸的訪問逼到絕地,他突然像個騎著白馬的王子來個英雄救美在所有媒體前向Amy求婚。
Nick Dunne: Your parents literally plagiarized your childhood?
Amy Dunne: No, they improved upon it, and then peddled it to the masses.
Amy Dunne : Amazing fucking Amy is getting fucking married!
Amy Dunne : We're so cute. I wanna punch us in the face.
Detective Rhonda Boney: Well, we have our first clue.
[holds an envelope that reads Clue One]
Amy Dunne: Want to test your marriage for weak spots? Add one recession, subtract two jobs. It's surprisingly effective.
Nick Dunne: Do you really want to be the couple that has a baby to save their marriage?
Amy Dunne: [in her diary] I will practice believing my husband loves me, and will love this baby. That this child might really save our marriage. But I could be wrong. Because sometimes, the way he looks at me, I think, man of my dreams, father of my child, this man of mine may kill me. He may truly kill me.
Amy Dunne: I will practice believing my husband loves me but I could be wrong.
Margo Dunne: [after seeing how Nick cheated on his wife] You fucking idiot...!
Margo Dunne: Boo hoo, I got laid off. Guess I'll fuck a teenager.
時間線跳回紀念日那天早上,一大早Nick對Amy提出他想要離婚,Amy要他好好的想一想,所以他就一個人到沙灘上走走(沒有目擊證人),後來就開車到The Bar找Margo喝一杯。Amy則是在送走他以後,開始了整個計畫...抽了很大量的血營造殺人的現場,再像個粗心的老公那樣清理掉血跡。製造一個不自然的打鬥現場,搭配一些粗心的錯誤。
Amy Dunne: I'm so much happier now that I'm dead. Technically missing. Soon to be presumed dead. Gone. And my lazy lying shitting oblivious husband will go to prison for my murder. Nick Dunne took my pride and my dignity and my hope and my money. He took and took from me until I no longer existed. That's murder. Let the punishment fit the crime. To fake a convincing murder you have to have discipline. You befriend a local idiot. Harvest the details of her hundrum life and cram her with stories about your husband's violent temper. Secretly create some money troubles: credit cards, perhaps online gambling. With the help of the unwitting, bump up your life insurance. Purchase getaway car. Craigslist. Generic. Cheap. Pay cash. You need to package yourself so that people will truly mourn your loss. And America loves pregnant women. As if it's so hard to spread your legs. You know what's hard? Faking a pregnancy. First, drain your toilet. Invite pregnant idiot into your home and ply her with lemonade. Steal pregnant idiot's urine. Voilà! A pregnany is now part of your legal medical record. Happy Aniversary. Wait for your clueless husband to start his day. Off he goes... and the clock is ticking. Meticulously stage your crime scene with just enough mistakes to raise the specter of doubt. You need to bleed. A lot. A lot, a lot. The head wound kind of bleed. A crime scene kind of bleed. You need to clean; poorly, like he would. Clean and bleed, bleed and clean. And leave a Little something behind: a fire in July? And because you're you, you don't stop there. You need a diary. Mínimum three hundred entries on the Nick and Amy story. Start with the fairy-tale early days: those are true, and they're crucial. You want Nick and Amy to be likable. After that, you invent. The spending, the abuse, the fear, the threat of violence. And Nick thought he was the writer... burn it, just the right amount. Make sure the cops will find it. Finally, honor tradition with a very special treasure hunt. And if I get everything right, the world will hate Nick for killing his beautiful, pregnant wife. And after all the outrage, when I'm ready, I'll go out on the water with a handful of pills and a pocket full of stones. And when they find my body, they'll know: Nick Dunne dumped his beloved like garbage, and she floated past all the other abused, unwanted, inconvenient women. Then Nick will die too. Nick and Amy will be gone, but then we never really existed. Nick loved a girl I was pretending to be. "Cool girl". Men always use that, don't they? As their defining compliment: "She's a cool girl". Cool girl is hot. Cool girl is game. Cool girl is fun. Cool girl never gets angry at her man. She only smiles in a chagrined, loving manner. And then presents her mouth for fucking. She likes what he likes, so evidently he's a vinyl hipster who loves fetish Manga. If he likes girls gone wild, she's a mall babe who talks for football and endures buffalo wings at Hooters. When I met Nick Dunne I knew he wanted "Cool girl". And for him, I'll admit: I was willing to try. I wax-strippe my pussy raw. I drank canned beer watching Adam Sandler movies. I ate cold pizza and remained a size two. I blew him, semi-regularly. I lived in the moment. I was fucking game. I can't say I didn't enjoy some of it. Nick teased out in me things I didn't know existed. A lightness, a humor, an ease. But I made him smarter. Sharper. I inspired him to rise to my level. I forged the man of my dreams. We were happy pretending to be other people. We were the happiest couple we knew. And what's the point of being together if you're not the happiest? But Nick got lazy. He became someone I did not agree to marry. He actually expected me to love him unconditionally. Then he dragged me, penniless, to the navel of this great country and found himself a newer, younger, bouncier cool girl. You think I'd let him destroy me and end up happier than ever? No fucking way. He doesn't get to win. My cute, charming, salt-of-the-earth Missouri guy. He needed to learn. Grown-ups work for things. Grown-ups pay. Grown-ups suffer consequences.
Officer Jim Gilpin: You ever hear the expression the simplest answer is often the correct one?
Detective Rhonda Boney: Actually, I have never found that to be true.
發生了這樣戲劇化的變化,律師勸Nick不要在這個時候接受訪問,以免被主持人玩爆。Nick突然信心爆棚的說他能做好這次訪談,戴上了Amy買(自己很討厭)的領帶、手錶,put on the game face,他知道這場媒體攻防戰他該怎麼贏得大眾的喜好,就像他當時贏得Amy的心一樣。
Tanner Bolt: I will drill you as if you were doing a deposition. What to say, what not to say.
Margo Dunne: A trained monkey?
Tanner Bolt: A monkey who doesn't get the lethal injection.
Sharon Schieber: Nick Dunne. You're probably the most hated man in America right now.
Did you kill your wife, Nick?
矮富醜幫Amy買了染髮劑、衣服,希望她能快速的變回那個他心目中的女神Amazing Amy,女神浪子回頭選擇了他高興的都要飛上天了,但那強烈的控制慾讓他十分不滿Amy一直關注著失蹤新聞而沒有把他放在眼中。
明明剛剛是穿著內衣被噴滿身...血,回到家這時候突然穿上睡衣了!!睡衣當然也不忘弄得滿身血!!不虧是我們的Amazing Amy。
Nick問她這幾天到底發生了什麼事...(放這張圖其實只是想看一下某個亮點 XD)
Tanner Bolt : You two are the most fucked up people I've ever met and I deal with fucked up people for a living.
Nick Dunne: [after seeing positive pregnancy test] I didn't touch you!
Amy Dunne: You didn't need to.
Nick Dunne: Bullshit! That notice of disposal, I have that. You threw it out.
Amy Dunne: The notice? Yes.
[rubs stomach]
Nick Dunne: I want a blood test! I want a paternity test!
Amy Dunne: I love tests.
Nick Dunne: You fucking cunt!
Amy Dunne: I'm the cunt you married. The only time you liked yourself was when you were trying to be someone this cunt might like. I'm not a quitter, I'm that cunt. I killed for you; who else can say that? You think you'd be happy with a nice Midwestern girl? No way, baby! I'm it.
Nick Dunne: Fuck. You're delusional. I mean, you're insane, why would you even want this? Yes, I loved you and then all we did was resent each other, try to control each other. We caused each other pain.
Amy Dunne: That's marriage.
Amy Dunne: When two people love each other and they can't make that work, that's the real tragedy.
Nick Dunne: Go, you're my voice of reason. I need you with me on this.
Margo Dunne: Of course I'm with you. I was with you before we were even born.
Nick Dunne: [last lines]
Nick Dunne: What are you thinking? How are you feeling? What have we done to each other? What will we do?
預告片精彩的誤導我對劇情走向的猜測加五顆星 ★★★★★
劇情曲折布置縝密加兩顆星 ★ ★
班艾弗列克真心面攤,扣兩顆星 ☆
戲份很重的旁白女主,聲音真心不愛扣一顆星 ☆
總分四顆星 ★★★★
Gone Girl
- 作者: Flynn, Gillian
- 原文出版社:Broadway Books
- 出版日期:2014/04/22
- 語言:英文
- 原文書資訊: 請點此